ST Suspension ST Lift kit.
Depending on the car, this kit allows an average lift of about +20mm.
To be installed with original shock absorbers.
Available for most of the cars on the road.
Indicative images.
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ST Suspension ST Lift kit.
On the vehicle on which it is installed, this lift kit allows you to increase driving comfort and prevents the original shock absorbers from going to the end of their stroke. This is useful on cars that frequently carry a lot of cargo and passengers, or that have a trailer.
Depending on the car, this kit allows an average lift of about +20mm.
It installs on the original shock absorbers and does not require any modification.
Made in Germany.
ST Suspension ST Lift kit.
Depending on the car, this kit allows an average lift of about +20mm.
To be installed with original shock absorbers.
Available for most of the cars on the road.
Indicative images.