Reinforced adjustable sway bar drop links.
More than 100 models available, installable on many cars.
Made by Whiteline in Australia.
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Reinforced adjustable sway bar drop links.
The anti-roll bar drop links play a fundamental role because they connect the latter to the suspension.
Wear of the original drop links rods leads to a reduction in the driving precision of the vehicle.
Whiteline offers heavy-duty reinforced drop links with reinforced joints and body.
The right-left threaded adjustment of the joints allows you to adjust the preload of the anti-roll bar.
This product is ideal for upgraded anti-roll bars and track use.
More than 100 models are available, with specific lengths and joints, which can be installed on most sports cars. Only some example models are shown in the photo.
Made by Whiteline in Australia.
Code KLC-.
Reinforced adjustable sway bar drop links.
More than 100 models available, installable on many cars.
Made by Whiteline in Australia.